
The EASIEST way to start to get better at Mixing and Mastering your vocals like A Pro...

With No Experience, No Clients, No Portfolio and No Skills

Mixing and Mastering is the Most Lucrative yet Most Confusing Skill in the world.

And You don't know where to start, How it works and how the hell you get started.

You're about to Quit and…

Now You're here ↓

Problems you're facing right now:

You don't know How to Record your vocals like the Big Industry Engineers.

You've No Experience. No Clients. No Skills. No Portfolio and No Future.

You don't know How to mix your music and make it sound right.

You're still struggling to mix your music even after much experience.

You don't know what's the first step to getting into mixing and mastering your music.

The Biggest issue: You're still unable to make your first $1 online mixing and mastering music.

You don't know How to Land your first paying Client.

You have the right studio equipment but your music still doesn't sound right.

You're wasting a lot of money buying plugins that you would get for FREE.

You don't know Have the Right Mindset as an Audio Engineer and How to mix every day.

You don't know How Great Audio Engineers mix music.

You're tired of paying Mixing Engineers to mix your songs.

What you can do? Nothing? It was me...

5 Years Back When I started:

I was confused, I was broken. I'd nothing in my Bank account and…

I wanted to go to school, to learn Audio Engineering

But my parents didn't have enough money to take me to school.

I had No Experience, No Clients, No Income and No Mixing Skills.

I found the Real Secret way, 99% of Mixing Engineers don't know that got me my music sounding like A Pro. And Now...

I shared my Secret yet super-easy Step-by-step Roadmap in this programme that will make you a good mixing engineer in less than 6 weeks.

How did I Find this Fail-proof Roadmap?

I asked and studied more than 500 Young and Legendary Audio Engineers and stolen their Secrets, Techniques, Frameworks and successful Formulas. And...

I assembled this "Crazy Programme" that'll show you the Real ways to become a Pro mixing and mastering engineer Even if you don't know the ABC of Audio Engineering.

And Do you know...

Why this is the ONLY Mixing and Mastering Programme you need

Why should you Read UNLOCK this Programme to start your Mixing and Mastering journey and become A Pro:

This Programme will teach you more than $4700 Mixing and Mastering Courses or Training programs.

With this Programme, You'll Get 14+ Free Video Tutorial Bonuses + My Free Guidance on IG and Zoom Call.

This is the Only Programme you need to make your first $1 in this space.

Wanna learn Mixing and Mastering? Mark my words: You just don't need any other BS.

I made this Programme in a way that a 12-year-old Kid can understand.

After completing this Programme, your Mixing and Mastering Skills will convert 10x better.

You'll learn the Best Mixing and Mastering Skills + My personal experience + The Experience of 1000s of Mixing and MASTERING Engineers.

No BS. No crap. Only Practical.

In This Programme, I set a 30 Days challenge will make you a 1% better Audio Engineer

Who needs this ULTIMATE Programme?

If You are New to Mixing and Mastering vocals and there is no one to hold your hand and guide you.

If you're a College/school student and wanna learn the Art of Mixing and Mastering songs.

If you're interested in Mixing, This Programme will teach you how to print money by just writing.

If you're a Confused, Depressed, and Broken Mixing Engineer, This Programme will heal your wounds.

If you're an Artist and wanna learn Mixing techniques and secrets to making money mixing songs.

If you're already an Engineer but you mix Dull vocals and get No Sales - No conversions.

If you don't know How to Draft a proper Mix and Master and How to Edit it.

If you're a Non-native English Artist/Engineer and don't even know ABC, This Programme is a goldmine for you.

If you're a lazy Artist/Mixing and Mastering Engineer and wanna speed up your Mixing and Mastering to win more in Business.

You want to launch your own Digital Products but don't know how to write a Sales copy.

If you wanna Quit your 9-5 and to start Earning a side Income on the Internet mixing and mastering other Artists music.

What you'll learn in this Programme:

Here's the chapter-by-chapter analysis and Let's see What's Hidden Inside this Programme:

Chapter 1: The "Audio Engineering" World

Learn how Mixing and Mastering has evolved into the Modern world. The Real Meaning of Audio Engineering and how people are making Bread by just Mixing Music online .

Chapter 2: The Mindset of a Mixing and Mastering Engineer

What's the right Mindset of a Mixing and Mastering Engineer before starting? — Is Audio Engineering the Best Career Option for you? See what if Audio Engineering is not for you? — How you'll Fail in Audio Engineering and Dark Sides.

Chapter 3: The Beginning (How and where to start)

Learn How you'll get into Audio Engineering (Step-by-step) — what's the first step you have to take — Immerse in Information, Practice and Implement — Complete Guide on Landing your first mix sound good, etc.

Chapter 4: How to Master Music

You may think you can Master, but you can't without knowing Radical Mastering Principles. Learn How to mix every day with No Blocks.

Chapter 5: Career as an Audio Engineer

See what 3 types of career options you can choose in the Audio Engineering field — Learn How to build your own product selling Business and make money without any Clients.

Chapter 6: How Great Engineers Mix and Master

If you don't steal from others, you're no longer an Audio Engineer. — Steal 50+ techniques, patterns, frameworks, formulas, and hacks that 1000s of Legendary Audio Engineers use.

Chapter 7: How to become a Successful Audio Engineer

The Only Secret you need to know to become successful as Audio Engineer otherwise nobody will stop you from failing.

Chapter 8: Become a 1% better Mixing and Mastering Engineer in 30 Days

I set a 30 Days Audio Engineer challenge from scratch to finish that will make you 1% better than others.

14 LIMITED-TIME Free Video Tutorial Bonuses will make your life:

See what FREE BONUSES you'll get after Downloading this Programme:

Bonus #1: My Guidance for Free. You can text me anytime on Tiktok or Instagram.

Bonus #2: A Community of 1000s of Telegram Creators.

Bonus #3: 100+ Mixing and Mastering Resources and Tool Kit.

Bonus #4: How to change your DAW skins

Bonus #5: Free video calls to ask questions

Bonus #6: Access to Email me anytime you need any help

Bonus #7: How to make money selling Presets

Bonus #8: How to make your computer or laptop operate Faster for Music Production

Bonus #9: 100+ samples to work with to sharpen your skills.

Bonus #10: 50+ Mixing Tools to 10x your Mixing Skills.

Total Value: $499

Today Only for: $49.99

After 20& Discount:$39.99

Due to the thin margins for this offer, I don't know how long this will be available. I'll double the prices anytime.

Offer seems like:

Download 1, Get 10 for Free

See What REAL people say:

😳 Due to Thin Margins, I'll increase the price soon by $10…

➔ CURRENT PRICE: $ 39.99

➔ Next Price will be: $49.99

Due to Low Margins, The Programme will be Out of Stock soon… This is a Premium Edition item — 10+ Free Bonuses — 96 copies sold out for the first edition.

If you think you can't afford it, This is for you:

🚨 Save 20% when you buy before December 31st

Normal Price: $49.99. Today only $39.99. Take Action Now to save 20% instantly .

24/7 Customer Support

Email me anytime, anything you want to ask: or shoot me DM on Instagram.

😎 Who am I?

I'm an Audio Engineer and Gumroad Creator. In the last 4-5 years on the Internet, I've seen tons of ups and downs but my Mindset was always to create something helpful + unexpected + extraordinary.

So, I crafted this Crazy Programme for you by stealing the skills and Experience of 1000s of Successful Audio Engineers. This Secret Programme is just made for Beginner Mixing and Mastering Engineers!

Reminder: There's no Programme in the world that will show you the Basics of Advanced Audio Engineering in a single place.

Are you a Loser or a Winner?

Loser: "I need a guarantee that this book is not a waste of money!"

Winner: "I'm guaranteeing myself that I'm taking this book and turning it into money myself."

➔ You're Not gonna Buy this Programme, you're gonna Buy Experience of 1000s of Mixing and Mastering Engineers.


Who is this for?

This is Best for beginners, broken, confused, and Fancy Artists/Audio Engineers. If you're already an Audio Engineer with No Sales, No Clients, and No Experience, This Programme is just made with love for you.

What's unique in this Programme? Why should I read this Programme?

This Programme will show you a step-by-step process. You'll learn how to Mix and Master, and how other Audio Engineers Record,Mix and Master. But the biggest part is: Nobody on the Internet will give you 14+ Free Video Tutorial Bonuses just along with a Programme.

I don't have money right now to Buy this Programme?

This Programme Today is only for $39.99 which would be a better investment than a Haircut. And I'm going to increase the price soon due to low Margins and it may go out of stock.

What if you don't Download this Programme?

If you don't download this, you'll struggle more to get into Mixing and Mastering music — You'll remain a fancy and dull Audio Engineer — and "Success" will remain an unreachable dream.

Can I share this with anyone else?

No. This Programme has a private license.

Take Action Now Save 20%. Only for the first 100.

Due to Thin Margins, I'll increase the prices anytime. The offer will end after December 31st.

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You'll get Waves StudioRack Presets, 14+FREE Full Video Tutorial and all Plugin that are needed for FREE

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